
My first day in Spain consisted of a walk through town, shopping along "Las Ramblas" and lunch at the port in Barcelona.

After wandering through a larger city, I sought the quaint Mediterranean atmosphere I love so much in the smaller villages along the coast.

Exploring the ruins of the ancient roman circus and arena in Tarragona.

It was not as warm as it appears in this picture, but when on the Beach in the middle of winter one has to make sacrifices.

My hostel in Barcelona had an extremely romantic old elevator.  Never certain if the hoist I was enjoying would be it's last, I looked forward to each uncertain journey all the more.

The artist Antonio Gaudi had an obvious influence in this region of Spain.  He began design of a private community for the elite of Barcelona, but when it went unfinished, it was turned into a park which is set on a hill overlooking the city.  The park is a culmination of oddities where nothing quite makes sense, but it feels right.

Gaudi's masterpiece, unfinished due to his untimely death, is the Sagrada Familia.  I could not help but imagine the entire building was made of meringue that had been allowed to brown too long.  Despite my food focused mind, the structure was unlike anything else I had seen.